PC screens how to avoid eye problems

PC screens, how to avoid eye problems

There are many people who spend a lot of time in front of the PC screen every day. There are those who do it through pastime and those who have to do it instead: think of the numerous workers who, due to the Coronavirus emergency, work in Smart Working mode or to students who use the PC for their studies and research.

Let your eyes rest from the screens

Spend a lot of time in front of the PC, if you do not take the right posture, it can cause problems such as back pain or torching and other problems.

One of the biggest risks when you spend a lot of time in front of a bright screen is that of accuse eye problems, as burning and redness.

According to some research, nowadays the cases of cataract In adults, they have increased precisely because of the most massive exposure to the lights that emanate PC screens (and the other electronic devices that we use daily).

Also there presbyopia It is today more common even in young people (while before the average age to accuse this problem was 40 years).

So, to avoid all these eyes in the eyes, the first thing to do is pay attention to the quality of the PC screen you buy.

The contrast of the screen

It is necessary, in fact, that the contrast of the screen is of high quality as well as resolution.

Furthermore, since the blue lights that emit PC screens can also disturb the sleep-wake rhythm, as well as compromising the health of the eyes, you can get glasses with lenses with blue light filter that prevent fatigue, burning and redness.

It is appropriate to avoid light reflections on the screen, both of natural origin both from table lamps: for this reason it is preferable that the sources of lights are central and not of the lamps resting on the desk.

Finally, it is necessary to maintain an adequate distance from the screen, which should go from 50 to 80 cm (useful for both the good of the view and your posture).