Sinusitis how it takes care

Sinusitis, how it takes care

Portrait of Young Woman in Wool Hat and Scarf Has a Running Nose Isolated on Blue Background

Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects i Paranasal breasts And it can develop as a consequence of a viral infection (a cold or influence), a bacterial infection that often originates from a viral infection (for example when the stagnation of the mucus favors the development of germs from nose or mouth) But also, more rarely, from mushrooms and inflammation to the teeth.

It stands out between sinusitis:

  • acute, which lasts for 2-3 weeks
  • chronic, if it lasts for several months
  • recurring, when they present several times (even more than 3) during a year

Often it can be understood that it is dealing with sinusitis, if these symptoms are presented:

  • pain at the level of the nose, forehead and eyes
  • fever and sometimes fat cough
  • heachache
  • closed nose
  • toothache
  • reduction of smell and taste (anosmia)
  • Yellow-green secretions with a nose (in the case of sinusitis of bacterial origin)
  • bad breath (halitosis)
  • tearing
  • general sense of malaise

However, for a more precise diagnosis, it is advisable to contact a doctor who will indicate how to cure sinusitis. Usually for the Sinusitis of viral origin Nasal, mucolytic and antipyretic decongestant (if accompanied by fever) are indicated.

Instead of Sinusitis of bacterial origin, The doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Sinusitis caused by allergic factors

While in the case of subjects who present Sinusitis caused by allergic factors, It is possible that the doctor also prescribes antihistamines. To reduce pain on the face, hot compresses can be made to encourage mucus drainage on nasal breasts.

Like prevention Infections of the mucosa, inhalation thermal treatments based on sulphurous water and sodium chloride, iodine and bromine are highly recommended.

If, despite the medical care, sinusitis becomes chronic, it is advisable to contact a specialist (doctor otolaryngology) to evaluate whether there is a need to undergo surgery.